Management approach

SCA’s overall social management approach is to assess how the company impacts and interacts with people where it operates, and to develop strategies for establishing good relations with key everywhere. SCA’s main steering document in social responsibility, the SCA , defines relevant areas for the company to manage and excel in, thereby contributing to social sustainability in the Group’s operations, and for various stakeholders along our value chain. This chapter describes SCA’s work related to its most important social aspects.

Strategic components


Sustainability Policy

Code of Conduct

Global Supplier Standard

Group Health and Safety Instruction

Community Relations’ instruction

Targets and KPIs

Code of Conduct

Employee Health and Safety

Management systems, programs and certifications

Global System for Performance Review and Development Planning

SCA Leadership Platform

External charters or initiatives


UN Guiding Principles on Business and

European Works Council

Industri ALL

OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

Core Conventions

Groups of people with whom an organization has active relationships, and with whom effective dialog is necessary to the functioning of the business. Shareholders, authorities, customers, employees and professional associations are all stakeholders in SCA’s business activities.
Code of Conduct
Is a formal statement of the values and business practices of a company. A code is a statement of minimum standards, together with a pledge by the company to observe them and to also require its contractors, subcontractors and suppliers, to observe them.
Sedex (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange)
A non-profit membership organization which promotes responsible and ethical supply chains. Companies can report and share information about health and safety, working conditions, the environment and business ethics in a global database.
OHSAS 18001
Management system standard for occupational health and safety.
Human Rights
Are based on the recognition of the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family, and are the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world. They are defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).
UN Global Compact
A strategic platform for sustainable business. Today, Global Compact is the world’s largest voluntary initiative with more than 12,000 signatories from 145 countries who have committed to work according to the Global Compact’s ten principles concerning human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption.
International Labor Organization (ILO)
The International Labor Organization is a United Nations Agency, which establishes Conventions on Labor standards that are binding for member states when ratified. There are over 150 ILO Conventions, eight of which are “Core Conventions” since they embody fundamental human rights and set minimum labor standards.